Thursday, February 14, 2008

Praising Pando

Hold on to your laptops ladies and gentlemen, the Internet has just gotten a bit faster.

E-mailing large files on the Internet is no easy task. Sure, with a high-speed cable or wireless connection, we can watch small video clips instantly on YouTube and download songs in a matter of minutes. But most of us at somepoint have been forced to stare at the computer for minutes, possibly even hours, while we’ve waited, bored and frustrated, to send a large file attachment to a friend or associate. Have you ever dreamed of having the ability to send an entire CD’s worth of music or even a movie to another within seconds? Pando makes this a reality.

First released in 2006, Pando is a free peer-to-peer media distribution software that allows users to easily (and quickly) share their media content with their e-mail: be they video, audio, or data files. Users must simply go to Pando’s website (, and download and install a small software program. Pando’s secret is not compressing your file; rather, it adds a small, “.pando” attachment to your e-mail, which allows the recipient’s computer to locate the original file on your computer and download the file within seconds.

Don’t let the technology jargon confuse you. Simply stated, Pando allows you to e-mail up to a gigabyte at a time—enough for hours of video—in a matter of seconds. Pando also enables users to post large media files to a blog, MySpace, Facebook, RSS feeds, and more. The possibilities that Pando presents the media world with are endless; video news releases, public service announcements, and even news broadcasts can now be accessed and shared immediately, allowing corporations to send out messages as fast as they can create them.

What’s more, Pando has recently redefined Internet TV. For free, users can subscribe to and share Internet television shows, hosted by such cable big-wigs as CNN, ESPN, E!, and the Discovery Channel. Pando automatically downloads and notifies you when they’re ready to watch.

“If you’re tired of bounced e-mails, and of using Web sites to share your personal videos or photos, Pando is a straightforward solution that anyone can understand in a matter of minutes. It’s a great solution to a vexing problem,” says Wall Street Journal technology reviewer Walt Mossberg.

Pando, though still just an infant in the Internet world, might just transform the Information Superhighway into the Information Autobahn.


Frances Martir said...

Wow! I had never heard of this site Pando. I hate waiting around for the internet to work and this seems like it would aliviate my stress. I can't wait to use it! I love technology and how it has shaped our society.

Michael Molinar said...

Hmmm. I wonder how the big media companies like you being able to transfer "large media files" so easily. Hope it doesn't get shut down because of copyright violations.

Rachael Russell said...

Pando raises so many interesting and possibly ethical questions. On a more practical level, I love the ability to send big files. It will make sending pictures/videos back home so easy!

Yelena Katchan said...

This is a really cool application, and very practical. I've never heard of it and I'm glad you mentioned it on my blog.